Articles from August 2019

How did I get the idea to write the book “Upgrading Democracy”?

Book Cover Upgrading Democracy

I have only been really interested in politics and economics for about ten years. I was triggered by the financial crisis of 2007/2008, which suddenly made it clear to me how much of our lives is influenced by politically determined systems and how badly these are sometimes designed.  In recent years I have very often asked myself what the politicians are now deciding in the name of the people and with their money: ·  TTIP (e.g. special courts for corporations to receive profits)·  Berlin International Airport (Billion-euro grave without consequences for those responsible)·  Merry VAT tax carousels·  Self-empowerment of the European Central Bank (purchase of government bonds) ·  …   Slowly I did not only doubt the abilities of the politicians. And I began to question the implementation of our political system itself. Searching for Alternatives In the search for alternatives, I have come across many solutions and technologies that