This is part 10 of my “Achieving True Democracy: A New Breed of Party as Realistic Next Step” articles. This is the last article of the series. Here you can find part 1, the introduction for the article series, and part2, a short description of the idea of the Proxy Party, and part 3, a description of how a party program should look like, and part 4 about finding, prioritizing, and voting on topics, and part 5 about going beyond ‘simple’ direct democracy, and part 6 about efficiency and effectiveness, and part 7 about safeguarded information processes and decision processes, and part 8 about a 1:1 transfer to parliament, and part 9 with some questions and answers about my concept of the Proxy Party. I hope I succeeded in outlining a cohesive and realistic way to create a new breed of a political party as a democratic parliamentarian champion: a party that is grassroots democratic yet effective and efficient. Following the advice of